

août 21, 2012 Moana Iti 0 Comments

Pleine Lune au dessus de Tahiti , vu depuis Moorea ( 7 avril 2012)


9 février 2020 5h30 , lune au dessus de Mont Tohiea Moorea 
At Dawn , à L'Aube , petit croissant de Lune ( Faaa , Tahiti , Sept 14 , 2012 )

Duo Venus Jupiter 24 Novembre 2019 Vaitavere

The young Moon after Sunset behind Moorea ( August 19, 2012 )

Harvest Moon Papeete ( Tahiti September 29 , 2012 )

Trio of Spica , Saturn and Mars is joined by the waxing crescent moon ( photo taken in Tahiti -July 24,2012)

Croissant de Lune Jupiter et Aldebaran

Jupiter Venus , Moon ( Paea , Tahiti )

Blue Moon Tahiti , in the early morning before Dawn ( Sept 1 , 2012 )
In the foreground the lagoon of Tahiti , in the background cover with clouds , the island of Moorea .

Blue Moon Tahiti , in the early morning before Dawn ( Sept 1 , 2012 )
In the foreground the lagoon of Tahiti , in the background cover with clouds , the island of Moorea .

Blue Moon Tahiti , in the early morning before Dawn ( Sept 1 , 2012 )
In the foreground the lagoon of Tahiti , in the background cover with clouds , the island of Moorea .

La belle Lune au coucher du soleil accompagnée par l'étoile Antares et la planète Mars ( 18 Octobre 2012)